There is one living and true God, the Creator of the universe, revealed in the
unity of the Godhead as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
(Exodus 15:11; Isaiah 45:11; Matthew 28:19)
The Scriptures
The Scriptures are God’s inerrant, divinely inspired revelation which provide
the standard for the believer’s faith and practice.
(II Timothy 3:16, 17)
God created all things for His own glory.
(Genesis 1; Colossians 1:16)
Satan is a person who with his demons opposes all that is true and godly.
8:44; 1 Peter 5:8)
Although created in the image of God, man fell through sin and that sin nature
has been transmitted to every member of the human race leaving each one
unchangeably depraved apart from divine grace.
(Romans 3:23)
Salvation is the work of God based wholly on His grace and received through
faith in Christ Jesus whereby through the death and blood of Jesus, God
forgives sinners, frees from condemnation, and gives full assurance of future
(Ephesians 2:8, 9; I Timothy 2:4-6; Romans 3:24-26)
All believers are eternally secure in Jesus Christ.
(John 10:24-30; Romans
The Church
A New Testament church is a local congregation of baptized believers
acknowledging Jesus as her only Head. Jesus instituted His church during His
personal ministry on earth and will perpetuate it until His return.
16:18; 28:20)
Last Things
Our risen Lord will return personally in bodily form to receive His redeemed
unto Himself. All of the dead will be raised in order: the righteous dead in
“the resurrection of life” and the wicked dead in “the resurrection of
damnation.” Heaven is the eternal home of the redeemed and hell is the place of
eternal punishment for the devil, his angels, and the unredeemed.
Thessalonians 4:13-17; John 5:24-29; John 14:1-3; Revelation 20:10-15)